Alan E. Weintraub, MA

Writer and historian with professional and academic experience in political and philosophical theory, current events, Jewish history, American history, genealogy, and public history practice.

At the entrance of Bowling Green Park in New York City, where a statue of King George III was toppled in 1776 by patriots who just heard the news of the Declaration of Independence.

Having pursued a joint program of a master’s in History and an Advanced Certificate in Public History, I have honed my skills in several areas, including:

  • Common historical practice
  • The communication of history beyond the classroom
  • Critically analyzing museums
  • Collections management software
  • Digitization and organization of records
  • The history of New York, Africa, Fascism, East Asian Art, and the Jewish people

Since February of 2023 I have written a biweekly column, “Past and Present,” for regional newspaper The Jewish Connection. 

Article topics include compelling individuals, underrecognized facts, philosophy, prejudice, and parallels to today.

Visiting Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. His championing of religious freedom inspired one of my articles, titled "Thomas Jefferson and the Jews."
Combing through old court records, to discover that my great-great-great uncle submitted an affidavit in support of a pro-union strike at a shoemaking factory in 1917.

Exploring my family roots has been a fascination of mine since just before the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

I have collected and organized thousands of pictures and documents throughout this endeavor, and continue to make fascinating discoveries.

The honors thesis for my History major (BA) explored how my ancestor, Chicago paper box factory owner Jake Ellegant, served as an excellent microhistory for the various historical themes that impacted his life.

I have long appreciated philosophy, pondering anything and everything from existential questions like free will and the meaning of life to more tangible concerns such as race, Israel, and democracy.

For the honors thesis under my Philosophy/Political Science major (BA), titled “On the Pursuit of Happiness,” I argued for an original theory, “Internal Metrics Values Fulfillment,” which emphasizes the weight one’s own metrics and values have when it comes to happiness.

By the location of philosopher Henry David Thoreau's cabin, in Walden Pond. I admire his skepticism of mankind's mindset in the modern world. His views seem ever more relevant today.
With New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, Groundhog Day 2014.

I am captivated by current events and politics, and The Jewish Press, a leading Jewish newspaper, has published numerous of my letters to the editor in which I offer my perspective on political ideas and recent happenings. While my current column is mostly historical, I connect my topics to the calendar (a holiday, anniversary, etc.), explore contemporary relevancy and parallels, and dedicated an article to assessing the political climate in the wake of the October 7, 2023 terrorist attack in Israel. 

My high school senior thesis, “Breaching Partisan Barriers: The Necessity of Embracing Ideological Differences,” highlights the harmful effects of political polarization and favors approaching political differences through a more empathetic lens.

I started playing Chess at 13, which is late for many. Yet with rapid improvement you would find me performing well in several chess tournaments between 2015 and 2017. Having enjoyed my experience in tournaments and continuing to play regularly online to this day, I teach Chess as well, including administering clubs and group and private lessons.

Outside the World Chess Hall of Fame in St. Louis, Missouri.
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